How To Remove Word Effects on Facebook Messenger? | 5 Easy Steps
Are you also annoyed with the word effects on Facebook Messenger? You must be wondering about how to remove word effects on Facebook Messenger. If you use Messenger from Facebook you know how colorful your texts can get right? The messenger from Facebook now allows its users to create “word effects” that will automatically trigger when a specific word or phrase is used in a conversation. What happens in these effects is that it causes the particular chosen emoji to rise from the bottom of your screen this can be fun to see but for some people, it can become a bit annoying. And if you are one of those who get annoyed by these effects made available by Facebook and want them to disappear then you are at the right place.
To learn how to remove text effects on Facebook Messenger you have to log in to your Facebook account and Facebook Messenger>select and tap on a particular conversation>tap on the conversation name>choose the word effects option>press and hold on the word or phrase>tap on the remove option and this is how you can remove word effects on Facebook Messenger.
Table of Contents
What Is Word Effects On Facebook Messenger?
First of all, if you don’t know anything about word effects let us explain it to you. Just in case a user creates a word effect for the phrase, “I love you” then it is most likely Facebook that pairs the particular phrase (here -I love you) with the heart eyes emoji, and this happens not only once but every time and anytime this phrase is used in the conversation, the heart eyes emoji will appear from the bottom of the screen.
But if you don’t like the entire concept of word effect and you want to remove it then don’t worry because now Facebook allows you to remove the special effects that appear whenever you type a certain word such as “congratulations” or “hahaha” or “I love you”.
How To Remove Word Effects on Facebook Messenger?
The word text effects option was added by Facebook after there was a rise in the complaints of many Facebook users who felt like these animations with balloons, smiles, and confetti were annoying, as well as distracting.
Therefore it is now possible to remove word effects in messages, as well but you need to keep in mind that this applies only when the texts and comments are posted by you. To remove word effects on Facebook Messenger we have mentioned a step-by-step guide below.
Step 1: Open and log in to your “Facebook Account” and your “Facebook Messenger” as well.
Step 2: Once you’ve logged in it will lead you to all the conversations you’ve had on Facebook till now. Choose, select, and tap to open the particular “Conversation” from which you want to remove the “Word Effect” from the chats.
Step 3: Now you need to tap at the top, and tap the “Conversation’s Name”.
Step 4: It will lead you to a conversation menu with Many options. Among all the options tap “Word Effects”.
Step 5: There you’ll see all the words you’ve set up for word effect and among all the words Press and hold on to the “Word or Phrase” you want to remove.
Step 5: From the drop-down menu tap “Remove”.
Note: Please note that If you haven’t set up any word effects, you may see effects for certain words sent in your chat to help you find and use the feature more quickly.
How Do I Add Special Effects For Words I Send In Messenger?
If you don’t know how to add effects to words or phrases in order to use them in your conversation and chats on Facebook Messenger and to make your conversation more animated and colorful follow the steps we’ve given below.
Step 1: Open “Facebook Messenger”.
Step 2: Choose and select the conversation from the chats in which you wish to add a “Word Effect”.
Step 3: This will lead you to the particular chat box that you need to tap at the top of the “Conversation Name”.
Step 4: It will lead you to the conversation menu and among all the options you need to tap on “Word Effects”.
Step 5: Now you need to type in a word or phrase you want to “Add An Effect” to in the text box. There are many suggestions given by Facebook beforehand as well. You can also tap on a suggestion above the text box.
Step 6: Now, need to tap on the emoji located on the left of your word or phrase in order to give a particular emoji to a particular phrase.
Step 7: This will lead you to the menu where you can search for or select the “Emoji” you want as your effect.
Note: All word effects you create will show in a list on this page. You can add effects for up to 50 words or phrases
What Are The Text Effect Keywords On Facebook?
As soon as you type a Facebook text Delight even in the comment or you want to wish your friend happy birthday on your friend’s wall you might notice that the color of the text changes.
Right now these are all the working English text delights animations on Facebook
Also, See: How To Find Events On Facebook?
Facebook Text Delight Animation List
- Congratulations
- Congrats
- xoxo
- Bff
- Best Wishes
- You Got This
- Lovely Time
- Wonderful Time
- You’re the Best
- Goal
Wrapping up!
We hope by now you know how to remove word effects on Facebook Messenger and how can you add them back. Adding Word effects to your chats can be a great option to make your chat more interesting but it can be a bit annoying as well so Facebook has now added a feature to allow its users to remove them if they wish to do so. If you have any other queries please comment in the comment box we will be happy to help. Thank you for reading!
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q1. How to use word effects in Facebook Messenger?
Ans. To use word effects in Facebook Messenger you need to open a chat>tap on the contact name>click on the word effects option>note the phrases> and send the phrase as a text. Now, you will see your sent text will be shown as a word effect having animations.
Q2. How to add a custom word effect on Messenger?
Ans. To add a custom word effect on Messenger you need to open the chat>click on the contact name>tap on the word effect option>add your desired phrase>choose an emoji to use it>click on the upward-facing arrow and your custom word effect will start appearing.