How To Unignore Someone On Facebook Messenger? Here’s A Fix

If you’ve accidentally marked ‘ignore’ on Facebook Messenger and now you wonder how to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger without letting them know? Then in this article, We will be guiding you to know how to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger without letting them know? With that, we will be talking about the standard procedure to undo ignore messages on Facebook Messenger and what happens when you ignore someone on Facebook Messenger. So without any further ado Let’s get started.
As we know Facebook Messenger has this unique feature in which we can mark someone’s messages as ignoring to avoid them if they are bothering you or annoying you. The feature is somewhat different from other features like mute or block. When you ignore someone on Messenger your message thread will be moving from your inbox to your Spam folder in Message Requests. And whenever the person tries to connect with you or send you a message on Facebook messenger you’ll not be notified by Facebook.
But if you wish to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger for what so ever reason then you can do that without any hassle by reversing the process and sending them a message. So if you have ignored a message then the only way to move ignore messages back to the inbox is by replying to the ignored chat. While there is no harm in replying to unignore a message, most users are reluctant to do so. And if you want to unignore them but do not what to message them, then it can be quite a task.
Though messenger does not notifies the other person if you’ve ignored them or not but sending a message after a while can become pretty obvious for people to know, How can you unignore someone on Facebook Messenger without replying? How can you unignore someone on Facebook Messenger by replying? We have a step-wise guide made just for you to know that so continue reading to know further.
Table of Contents
How To Unignore Someone On Facebook Messenger?
By now you know that if you ignore someone on Facebook messenger you’ll be sending their chat box or conversation thread to your “message requests” inbox, where you’d typically receive messages from someone who is not on your friend list, or to spam. And we agree it is a great option to avoid annoying people. To undo the change the process is quite simple. You just have to go to the conversation thread and reply to them. But we know that by doing so you can initiate a conversation with them which can be a task. But don’t worry we have some workarounds for you to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger without replying. So here is how to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger without replying.
How To Unignore Someone On Messenger Without Replying
Follow the steps given below to unignore someone on Messenger without replying by using Facebook lite.
Step 1: Firstly you need to install Messenger Lite on your device Open the app and log in to your Facebook account
Step 2: Now Tap on the “Messenger” icon.
Step 3: Search for the particular person you wish to unignore or you can Tap on the message request> Spam. Then Tap on the person’s name and open the conversation tab.
Step 4: Then Select the “Accept” option at the bottom. The ignored conversation will automatically move back to your Chats list.
That’s it by doing so you can unignore anyone on Facebook without even replying.
How To Unignore Someone On Messenger Standard Way (For Android And iPhone)
The process to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger is similar for both iPhone users as well as Android users. So follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Open the Facebook Messenger app on your device.
Step 2: Now Click on your profile picture at the upper left of the page.
Step 3: Click on the Message Requests option usually placed in the 2nd or 3rd position.
Step 4: From the Two subsections Tap on ‘Spam‘. This will lead you to the list of people you ignored on Facebook Messenger as well as spam accounts.
Step 5: Tap the conversation that you want to unignore and send a message. The conversation will automatically be moved back to the main inbox.
That’s it by doing so you can unignore someone on Facebook Messenger.
What happens when you ignore someone?
There are a few things you must keep in mind when you decide to ignore someone on Facebook.
1. If you ignore someone on Facebook Messenger you’ll no more receive any notifications for their messages further.
2. Their conversation thread will no longer be available in your messenger inbox.
3. They can still see your profile and follow you.
4. They can still tag you in photos.
5. Remember you are not blocking them so they can also search for your profile.
6. Your tagged photos will be visible to ignored contacts.
7. Ignoring someone on Facebook Messenger doesn’t mean you’ve unfriended them they will still be your Facebook friend.
Also, see: How To Turn Off Friend Suggestions on Facebook In Just 6 Steps?
How To Ignore Messages On Facebook?
The process To ignore someone on Facebook is quite different for both Android and Apple devices. We have a step-wise guide for both given below.
Steps to ignore messages on Facebook Messenger (for iPhone)
Step 1: Open Facebook Messenger and slide left on the chatbox that you want to ignore.
Step 2: From the given options Click on the second option named “Ignore Messages”.
Step 3: You’ll get a confirmation query on your screen asking if you want to ignore the conversation. Simply click “Ignore” to confirm.
And that’s it this is how you can ignore messages on Facebook Messenger on an apple device.
Steps to ignore messages on Facebook Messenger (for Android)
Step 1: Open Facebook Messenger and select and long-press the chatbox you wish to ignore
Step 2: Click on the “Ignore chat” option near the bottom.
Step 3: You’ll receive a confirmation asking if you want to ignore the conversation. Click “Ignore”.
That’s it by doing so you’ll be ignoring the person on Facebook Messenger and their chat thread will be moved to Spam
Can I still view ignored messages on Messenger?
Yes, you can view ignored messages and conversations on Facebook Messenger. Once you’ve ignored someone in messenger their chat box moves to spam in the message request section of the app. You can go through all the messages without having to worry about the other party getting notified. Facebook does not send read receipts to ignored contacts
Wrapping up!
So, by now you must have learned how to unignore someone on Facebook Messenger. The process is pretty simple you just have to download Facebook lite and Tap on accept at the bottom of the conversation you wish to unignore. Other than that you can still view ignored messages from the spam section and the best part is nobody will be notified that you’ve read their messages if they are ignored on the app. We hope our article was helpful enough please leave us feedback in the comment box below and If you have any other queries you can always reach out by commenting in the comment box below. We will be happy to help!
Thank You For Reading!