How To Find Events On Facebook (2022) | Quick Steps To Check it

Hey! everyone do you want to know something more about Facebook, if yes then you are at the perfect site. Facebook and social media have now become an integral part of our lives. In easy words, we especially youngsters cannot imagine our lives without social media. In this post, I’ll be telling you about the trick of how to find events on Facebook?
Do you know Facebook keeps an eye on a number of events? You can see birthdays, events you’ve been in previously, events you’ve been invited to, and events that you are attending presently.
Facebook also gives an option to view a list of upcoming events of your friends. You can find events by logging in to your Facebook profile/account and accessing the Events section.
Facebook events are a wonderful way to keep in contact with friends and family and loved ones. With new days and new dates, your Facebook calendar will be piling up the upcoming events that you are going to attend in near future. Facebooks keep a check on everything you just have to find where you can see these events list.
Table of Contents
Here’s How to Find Events On Facebook?
Here are the steps to find events on Facebook-
- First of all, go to Facebook and log in to your account.
- Now tap on the 3 horizontal lines on the top right corner of your home page of Facebook.
- Then, tap on the events option, you will be directed to an events page.
- Now, events that you’re going to, or have been invited to, will occur in a list on the following events screen.
You can also see the past events to which you have been invited. You have to scroll through the list of events to find an event. Tap the event title to view more details of the event. You can also see the birthday dates of your friends that are coming in the near future.
- Firstly, open the Facebook website from here, and log in to your profile/account.
- In your News Feed, tap on events in the menu to the extreme left.
- Now, you have to tap on Your events on the extreme left in the same menu. All the events will be displayed to which you are going to or have been invited.
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Wrapping Up!
So these were the steps through which you can see the events on Facebook. The most demanding and most used social media platform has some very interesting points such as the events, that tell you or remind you the event before or on the date of that particular event, even if you forget about the events Facebook won’t let you forget. So this feature is quite helpful for those people who frequently forget the events.
I hope this article helped you in solving your problems and if you have any questions you can surely ask us in the comment section, we would love to answer all your doubts, questions, and queries.
Till then Happy Learning!
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