Effective study tips to follow during exam time
In the education system we learn and grow, for with effective teaching and learning, exams are also conducted for students. These exams are conducted to check students’ understanding and knowledge of the academic subjects being taught to them, analyze and work for their improvement and academic growth. Every student aims to do well in exams. To do so, following the right learning strategies holds utmost importance. Let us discuss the effective study tips that students of secondary, senior secondary, and higher learning can adopt for effective exam preparation.
Exam time study tips for students
1. Use technology for a better understanding
To do well in exams, having a proper academic understanding is very important. Sometimes doing all the lessons from the textbooks becomes difficult, and time-consuming for the students. To overcome this problem, using technology helps.
By using an online education app, students can access several audiovisual tools like educational videos, modules, demonstrations, picture cards, PowerPoint presentations, and more. With the help of visualization, students tend to understand the concepts better and quicker. Also, memorization and comprehension skills are boosted.
2. Attend all the revision classes conducted by the teachers
Maintaining regularity in the classroom is important throughout the academic session. But due to reasons such as poor health, and lack of accountability, students stay irregular in the classes. But make sure that you avoid absenteeism when exams are near. Once done with the syllabus, teachers utilize the remaining classes for effective revisions and summarization of the whole syllabus.
So make sure that you attend all these classes. During this time, teachers tell students the important topics, and questions and also conduct sample paper practice. You can ask whatever doubts and queries you are facing. This will help students to receive a quality education and do well in the exams.
3. Read, learn and write again the theory topics
The main study tip to follow during the ex time is re-reading, learning, and writing respectively. Only learning lessons one time is not enough from an exam point of view. To hold a good command over the syllabus, multiple revisions are needed. Therefore, students must revise again and again.
Follow an effective timetable that along with learning the new lessons have time for revisions too. Re-read the lessons carefully. Memorize the important answers, definitions, and terms properly. Along with vocal learning, make sure you have writing practice too. Pick the questions from the textbook exercises and frame them. With writing, understanding and comprehension become more effective.
4. Make formula charts
Along with theory lessons, we have exams for applicative subjects too. Many students find studying applicative portions such as maths, physics, chemistry, etc complex. To overcome this problem, note-making is beneficial. This makes studies more systematic and easy to approach.
To score well in applicative exams means doing the numerical word problems and simplifications correctly. To do so, memorizing the formulas properly is very important. By writing formulas, memorizing them becomes easy. Use these charts to have quick recaps every day till the exams get over. This will surely enhance your exam academic performance.
5. Stay calm, avoid stressing too much
Yes, exams bring along stress for students. With so many learning tasks to perform, feeling stressed is common among all students. Other than this, exam fear, overthinking, and self -doubting makes students more stressed. Excessive stress because of these negative thoughts affects health and learning capacity. To avoid this happening to you, stop thinking negatively. Practice meditation and other mindfulness activities to keep your mind more relaxed and calm. This will boost your brain functioning too.
6. Practice sample papers
Another study tip to follow during exam time is sample paper practice. By using an online live teaching app and educational sites, students can access previous year’s question papers, mock tests, and sample papers with answer keys easily. By practicing these papers, students can get an idea of how much they know, what is their current learning status and what more needs to be done for improvement. Students can identify their weaker sections and start focusing on them more. Other than this, sample paper practice will help to figure out what are the important topics that are asked repetitively.
To do well in exams, you need to follow the right learning procedure with consistency. By following the above-mentioned tips that are using technology, note-making, sample paper practice, staying calm, attending revision classes, and more, students can study effectively during exam time. This will help students with proper academic growth and development.