Container Gardening In India – What You Should Know About Container Gardening ?
Container gardening is one of the best ways to grow a garden in the limited space available. Indoor container gardening in India takes various forms, the basics being providing ample light, water and nutrients to the plants. There are numerous designs for container gardening, each unique in its own way.
One of the favorite designs of Indian container gardening is the ‘Bonsai’. This is an artificial creation of a tree or shrub that is kept inside a container. The container is filled with soil, and after the pruning of the branches, the Bonsai is ready to be placed outdoors. Bonsai trees are now offered at shows all over India, and they are admired by many people. Another favorite design for container gardening is the ‘Kaveri’, or water pump, made from ceramic. Water pumps are an important part of the horticultural cycle and can be created using various materials – like brass, copper, iron, plastic and many more.
There are several other designs as well, including that of the ‘Shasta’, ‘Gwalior’ and the ‘Dabolim’. The ‘Gwalior’ is a four-sided container gardening designed by B. K. Shastra, who was a famous architect in Madhya Pradesh. This beautiful garden has three tiers and receives the full sun all day long. You can even have a water fountain built in this garden. The Dabolim is a special design that has a small house on the center, surrounded by four levels of soil.
It is easy to keep this garden happy and healthy, thanks to the simple yet effective designs. The key to a successful container gardening is using the right kind of soil. This type of soil has a high organic content, which helps in retaining moisture and increases fertility. Fertilizer should be added only when the soil is still ‘new’. If you do not follow these rules, then your garden may get spoiled within no time, and you will have to spend more money on buying different plants to make your garden look good.
Well, there is also another aspect about container gardening in India. You should keep in mind that your container should be placed on the slope. If you do not follow this rule, then the roots of the various plants that you are planning to grow will get damaged. This is because water cannot seep through soil, or else it would expand too much, and this would result in root damage. On the other hand, if your soil is firm and rich in nutrients, then your container garden will stay healthy.
When it comes to container gardening in India, you can choose between two types of soil-loam, and sub-soil. You should be careful while mixing compost with the soil. Add small particles of compost at the level where the compost becomes too dry. However, you should never mix too much of compost because the moisture content of the soil should be about 2%. If your soil is dehydrated, then there would be a need to add extra moisture.
Irrigation is another factor that you should pay attention to. You should always add enough irrigation as per the requirement of your plants. When it comes to container gardening in India, you should not over water the plants. Plants can survive with limited water.
The final factor that you should pay attention to is the sunlight. When it comes to container gardening in India, you should choose containers that receive maximum sunlight. Sunlight helps in maintaining the health of all the plants present in the soil. Your container does not need any artificial light. It receives all its light from the sun.