Top 11 trending whatsapp dare games for fun with answers

Best trending Whatsapp dare games challenges-
Social media has just made our life so excited, happening, daring, interesting, etc. nowadays it is so easy to know each other within minutes. During the lockdown, every individual across the world was active on Social Media. so we can say freely that Social Media helped us a lot to kill our Boredom. To kill our boredom many people like to play daring Games. yes, you heard it right Daring games. As far as I know, people play this game with their friends when they are together at their respective places.
How about this game to play on what’s app. It sounds suspicious as to how you can trust the people behind the camera. yeah, so we have the answer for it as we will provide you such a what’s app dares which can’t be ignored and interesting too. by these, what’s app dares you can get many answers regarding like how well do they know you, and trust also. The most advantage of these what’s app Dare is whether the particular person is daring or not. So, guys, we are here to provide you some amazing cum funny Best trending Whatsapp dare games with answers.
Table of Contents
Here is the Top 11 Trending Whatsapp Dare Games With Answers-
Whatsapp Dare for your lovely ones
1.Fill it for me :-
- Nick Name ________
- Relation_________
- Dil ki baat________
- Advice for me________
- Bad habit_______
- Good habit_______
PS: Tell me the truth because I am going to upload it on my status.
2.What am I
choose one no.
- Beautiful/Handsome
- Innocent
- Good in nature
- Lovely
- Animal
- Sweet
- Stupid
3. “Select your desired heart number, Dare for you”
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- ♥
- Propose me.
- Upload my name on your status
- Text me I LOVE YOU.
- Sing a song for me and send me it’s the clip.
- video call me.
- Text me the name of your first crush.
- Tell me your deepest secret.
- Flirt with me
- Make a collage of our photo and upload it as your status.
4. “choose one”
- Send me a screenshot of your gallery.
- Send me a screenshot of your what’s app contacts.
- Send me the screen of your Instagram chats.
- Call me now (VIDEO CALL)
- Call me now (VOICE CALL)
- Click your picture and send it to me now.
5. “Select any two-digit from the list “
Choose– 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77
00. Handsome.
11.Lovely & Caring.
22.Silent killer.
33True lover.
77.Heart Breaker.
6. “Select your favorite color from the rainbow “
RED:-Purpose me in the cutest way.
ORANGE:-Call me every morning.
YELLOW:- Give me an ice cream treat.
BLUE:-You have to go for a long drive with me.
INDIGO:-Send me an audio saying I love you.
VOILET:-Set my photo as you DP.
7.” Choose your Zodiac sign and get ready for a dare”
- ARIES(RAM):- Set my photo as your DP.
- TAURUS(BULL):-Purpose to the person who has texted you recently.
- GEMINI(TWINS):-Text “I HATE YOU” to your best friend.
- CANCER(CRAB):-Post your best friend photo on your status with the “I LOVE YOU” caption.
- LEO(LION):-Send your best friend photo to your teacher
- VIRGO(VIRGIN):-Screenshot your contact list and upload your status.
- LIBRA(BALANCE):-Give me your best friend no.
- SCORPIUS(SCORPION):-Send me pictures of your room.
- SAGITTARIUS(ARCHER):-Upload the first pic of your phone on your status.
- CAPRICORNUS(GOAT):-Text “I HATE YOU ” to your teacher.
- AQUARIUS(WATER BEARER):-Text “I LOVE YOU “to your last five what’s app contact.
- PISES(FISH):-If you are in a relationship send me your GIRLFRIEND \BOYFRIEND pic.
8. Fill It Up
- How We Met:
- My Name On Your Phone:
- Who I Am To You:
- One Word That Describes Me:
- What You Dislike About Me:
- First Impression :
- Current Impression :
- Do You Trust Me :
9. Send It To Your Friends And Get Amazing Replies But Reply Me First I Will Put On My Story
- What Do You Feel About Me?
- Who Is Your Best Friend?
- Things You Like Most About Me?
- What Is My Name On Your Contact List?
- What Is The Feature That Attracts You To A Boy/Girl?
- Have You Ever Been Jealous Of Someone? If So, Who?
- What Do You Like About Yourself?
10. choose one number between 1-5. Here’s a dare game for you.
1 Send The Cutest Pic Of Yours.
2 Write My Name On Your Status And Saying “I LOVE YOU”
3 Don’t Talk To Me For 1 Day.
4 Send Me Kisses In A Video Clip.
5 Tell Me Your Favorite Actor/Actress And Reason With It.
11.Next life you accept me…as…_*❓
Choose– 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15
🔹1. Brother.
🔹2. Sister.
🔹3. First love.
🔹4. friend.
🔹5. Enemy
🔹6. Lover.
🔹7. Father.
🔹8. Mother.
🔹9. Best friend.
🔹10. Life partner.
🔹11. Baby.
🔹12. Teacher.
🔹13. Boyfriend.
🔹14. Girlfriend.
🔹15. Parent.
End Of The Line-
This WhatsApp dares will help everyone to kill their boredom from sitting at home only. The foremost advantage of these WhatsApp dares are they help people to know each other through playing mode. So, guys, I hope these WhatsApp dares will Be Helpful for you. So without thinking of once do copy and paste it and send it to your friends in circles or in all your WhatsApp groups.