How To Disable Double Tap On Instagram?

Instagram is known to be famous for its over-the-board features and this is why it is loved by users and has such a huge user base. One such outstanding feature of the Instagram app is the double tap. However, not everyone likes this feature and they would probably search for how to disable double tap on Instagram. So, if you are not the one who is enjoying this double-tap feature of the Instagram app then this Instagram guide is probably what you need to disable.
If you are wondering how to disable the double tap on Instagram then head to the Instagram app>tap on the profile icon>tap on the profile option>tap on the hamburger icon>tap on the settings option>tap on the account option>tap on the double tap to like option and disable the feature from there. To know more about the double tap on Instagram feature read ahead.
Table of Contents
How To Disable Double Tap On Instagram?
Instagram has a unique way of liking posts and reels on the app. You just have to double-tap on the reel or post and it gets liked in a fraction of a second. However, many Instagram users are not happy with the double tab feature as they have encountered the issue of accidentally liking posts so they are searching for ways that can help them to disable this feature.
To help you out we have come up with a step-by-step guide that will help you to disable the double tap on Instagram.
Step 1: Firstly, you have to open the “Instagram App” on your device.
Step 2: Then, you need to tap on the “Profile Icon” to open your “Profile”.
Step 3: Now, tap on the “Hamburger Icon” and choose the option “Settings”.
Step 4: Then, scroll through the “Settings” and tap on the “Account” option.
Step 5: Then, tap on the “Double Tap To Like” option and disable it from there. So, this is how you can disable the double tap on Instagram.
Note: We have tried and tested this step guide and found out that this feature was available in the previous version. So, if you want to get this feature to disable the double tap you need to get an older version of the Instagram app.
How To Get The Previous Version Of Instagram App?
As the double tap feature is not available on the latest version of Instagram one needs to download the older version of Instagram which has the double tap feature available. You can get the previous version of the Instagram app from the up to down site. However, only Android users can download the previous version of the Instagram app. To get the previous version of the Instagram app head to the step-by-step guide below:
Step 1: Firstly, you have to open the “Browser” on your device.
Step 2: Then, you need to tap on the “Search Bar”.
Step 3: Now, search for “Instagram Up To Down” in the search bar.
Step 4: Then, scroll through the list and get the version of Instagram which has the option to disable the double tap feature.
How To Stop Accidentally Liking Instagram Posts?
If you are someone who is not a fan of the double tap to like feature then you would probably find ways to stop accidentally liking Instagram posts. So, below we are going to provide you with some ways that can help you stop accidentally liking Instagram posts.
1. Don’t Scroll Near The Like Button
So, the very first way to avoid accidentally liking Instagram posts is to stop scrolling near the like button. It is always said that precaution is better than cure means you should be more vigilant while scrolling rather than finding ways to stop accidentally liking posts on Instagram.
2. Turn On The Airplane Mode To Browse
If you can’t be cautious while scrolling then there are a lot more ways to avoid accidentally liking the posts or reels on Instagram and one such way is to turn on airplane mode. If you have enabled the airplane mode then your device won’t have any connection and thus if you have accidentally liked a post on Instagram it doesn’t matter.
3. Use A Fake Account
If you are facing an issue while scrolling through Instagram offline then use a fake account that no one is aware of. So, if you have accidentally liked a post no one will know that it’s you. Since Instagram doesn’t have any option to disable the like feature or alter the position of the like feature it is easy for you to manage your activity using a fake account on Instagram.
4. Use Instagram Web Version
Lastly, if you are thinking that there is no such way that is suitable for you then you can use the Instagram web version to avoid making mistakes. The Instagram web version needs your attention if you want to like a post on the app so it would be a helpful way to avoid accidentally liking Instagram posts.
Wrapping Up!
Now we have reached the end of the discussion. We genuinely assume that now you have all the information concerning how to disable double tap on Instagram. Instagram is full of various features and the double tap to like feature is one of them. However, you won’t get any option to disable this feature in the newest version of the Instagram app unless you decide to get the previous or older version of the app.
So, this is all about how to disable double tap on Instagram. If you have any doubts or want any information then make sure to leave your query below.
Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q1. How to change reaction emojis on Instagram?
Ans. To change reaction emojis on Instagram you have to open the Instagram app>tap on the messenger icon>open any conversation>tap on the message you want to react to>tap on the + icon>tap on the customize option>choose the emoji you want to replace>tap on the checkmark. So, this is how you can change reaction emojis on Instagram.
Q2. How to change the mode on Instagram?
Ans. To change the mode on Instagram you have to open the Instagram app>tap on the profile icon>tap on the hamburger icon>choose the settings and privacy option>tap on the accessibility option>tap on the dark mode>tap next to on option and this is how you can change the mode on Instagram.