What Is Bereal App [2023]? | The Complete Details For You!
There is a new app in town and it is here to stay. I’m talking about the BeReal app which is the new social media sensation that has taken the world by storm. One thing everyone is asking is what is Bereal app? The last time I got this excited about an app was when Musical.ly decided to upgrade its features, become a better version of dubsmash and get a new name, Tiktok.
I was right then when I said it’s going to be the newly accepted model and I think I’m right today when I say that the world needs apps like BeReal. Tell me how many of us check a photo million times before uploading to see if everything is correct, is the light okay? Is the effect looking good? Are the filters matching? All of us.
We polish ourselves thoroughly before presenting ourselves in front of the world. That’s why it is said that we should not believe everything on social media, it’s an edited, modified, and cropped version of reality. The BeReal app has been developed to break this particular notion. So today we will answer the question what is Bereal app?
The best answer to what is Bereal app is that BeReal has been created to help users shun filters and effects away and embrace their true selves in front of the camera. The reason for the app to be this way is to instill self-love among its users and to eliminate their dependency on filters for uploading a photo. Additionally, it has features like dual camera mode, memories, realmojis, discovery, widgetmojis, maps, and much more. Let’s discuss them in detail.
Table of Contents
What Is Bereal App?
What is Bereal app? BeReal is a social media app that allows users to share unfiltered and unedited photos of themselves daily. These are live photos that you click randomly at any point, something like Snapchat Story, but without any filters or lenses.
What’s unique about the app is that every day at any random point the app will send a notification to you stating “it’s time to BeReal” and you will have two minutes to click a photo and upload it on the app. If you post after the post two minutes are over it will be counted as a late post but 10 points will be deducted from Gryffindor.
No, I’m kidding, no points will be deducted but the uploaded photo will state that it’s a late post. So make sure you do it before the clock runs out and pray that the notification doesn’t come when you’re on the toilet. Now that I think about it maybe that’s why the app gives the user these two minutes, to ready themselves.
The real beauty of the app comes out because of the timer, when you have no time to filter yourself, then only can the real you come out. That’s what is Bereal app is really about.
What Are The Features Of BeReal App?
Apart from the anxiety-giving two-minute timer the app has many cool features and all of them make sure, in some way, they are able to impart the importance of liking the unfiltered version of you. So, now that you know what is Bereal app learn about its features to understand it more.
1. Dual Camera Mode
As the name suggests, it allows users to utilize both its cameras. But you must think that other apps also do that, what’s new here? What’s new here is that it allows users to mandatorily both cameras simultaneously.
When learning what is Bereal app know that with the back camera, it will take a picture of what you are doing and with the front camera, it will take a picture of how you look doing it.
You can retake photos if you want but do it within two minutes. And your friends will know that you retook the photos. All this is to remove self-consciousness about uploading raw photos.
2. Memories
This is a secret feature of the what is Bereal app topic. The memories section is a place where your photos are saved after clicking them. The photos in the memories are only visible to you and you can choose to delete them whenever you want. At the end of the year, you can create a video of all your BeReal memories.
Also, See: How Does BeReal Work?
3. RealMojis
Another way how the BeReal app motivates its users to upload their real selves is by replacing the classic emojis with their faces. Instead of reacting to their friend’s BeReal with an emoji, they get a chance to become an emoji themselves.
A user can tap the smiley icon, select a reaction they want to give, and take a selfie making the emoji face. You can also see your friends right from your home screen when they react to your BeReal with a widget called widgetmoji.
4. Discovery
The BeReal app allows users to either upload photos visible only to their friends or upload them publically for everyone to see. If they want the latter option then this is made possible with discovery. When you upload a picture it will be available on the discovery section for everyone to see and add you as a friend.
5. No Followers
What is Bereal app? It’s an app with nothing fake about it. The app is developed with a single aim to let users upload unfiltered live photos of themselves and share them with their friends, that’s it.
No ads, no content creation, and no influencer marketing are allowed on the app. That’s why it doesn’t have the “Follow” option. If you want to be famous choose another app, but if you want to be real then you are more than welcome to join.
6. Maps
Another important thing to know when reading about what is Bereal app is the map section. The Maps allow you to see where your friends are while they are uploading their photos.
Also, See: How To Take A Picture On Bereal? | Complete Guide
How Does The BeReal App Work?
After knowing what is Bereal app now know about its working. Like I said before BeReal allows users to take raw, unfiltered, and real-time photos of themselves. It’s somewhat like the Snapchat story but with a catch. It allows users to take two photos at the same time by taking a photo from the front as well as the back camera.
This shows your friends what you are doing and how you look like doing it. These photos are taken seconds after each other so users don’t get time to fix themselves. So, avoid taking photos in the toilet or with your prankster friends.
You get two minutes to click both photos and add a caption to it, then it is uploaded on the app where your friends can comment or react to it. These photos last for 24 hours after which they are deleted and saved in the Memories only for you to see. That’s all you need to know about what is Bereal app.
Wrapping Up!
Can you now tell me what is Bereal app? I think you can tell everything about the app now. The BeReal app is very unique yet very simple to use. Each of its features is easily understandable and the interface is also user-friendly. The dual camera mode, memories, realmojis, discovery, widgetmojis, and maps are all designed to give you a great experience, so download the app and give it a try.
Also, See: How To Unfriend Someone On BeReal?
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q1. When do BeReal posts expire?
Ans. An important topic when learning what is Bereal app is that anything uploaded on the app expires within 24 hours. But if you like what you see on others’ BeReal profiles, you can always screenshot it and save it on your phone. Otherwise, your own photos are saved in the memories section.
Q2. Can we delete a BeReal post?
Ans. If you don’t like a post you uploaded then you can certainly delete it whenever you want. Just tap the three dots on your profile>tap on the delete button>select a reason for deletion>confirm it and move on with your life.
Q3. Can we retake a photo on BeReal?
Ans. Yes, you can retake a photo if you want but you have to do it before the two-minute ends. When you upload the photo, it will state that you retook the photo before uploading.