Top 8 Most Influencing Twitter Accounts To Follow in 2022

Top 8 Most Influencing Twitter Accounts To Follow in 2022

| Best Twitter accounts to follow |

Twitter is a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users’ tweets by using multiple platforms and devices. Tweets and replies to tweets can be sent by cell phone text message, desktop client, or by posting at the website.

If you are new to Twitter and wanted to know whom to follow first on Twitter below, I have shared the information regarding the 8 accounts whom you have to follow first on Twitter:

Here’s the Top 8 Most Influencing Twitter Accounts To Follow in 2022


1. Gary Vaynerchuk  (@garyvee)

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If you are active on social media in any capacity, chances are you are already very familiar with Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary is the chairman of VaynerX and CEO and co-founder of VaynerMedia. Simply put, GaryVee moves the marketing budgets of Fortune 500 companies over to social media marketing. He’s brash and informative and has almost single-handedly popularized entrepreneurship through social media.

2. The Economist (@TheEconomist)


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Looking for a source of genuine news on politics, entertainment, and technology? The Economist is a go-to resource for that. They have almost everything covered, and you will find it easy to stay up to date with everything that matters to you simply from following their Twitter feed. The Economist reports on some of the world’s most popular topics. An additional bonus to following their feed is that by sharing their tweets, you in turn also boost your own Twitter profile. So follow them, share their tweets, and stay informed!

3. Elon Musk (@ElonMusk)

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Elon Musk is certainly eccentric. The CEO of Tesla can at times be a weird fellow, but he’s always a good one. Outside of company updates for his innovative brand, he posts what’s on his mind. Musk is also clearly not lacking in the sense of humor department.

He notably got into a Twitter spat with the Flat Earth Society and sold more than $500,000 in hats as a result. He also recently went on the Joe Rogan podcast and found himself under criticism for smoking marijuana on the live show.

4. Kinda Funny Vids (@KindaFunnyVids)

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This is a unique Twitter profile that features videos of friends talking about games, movies, and all the pop culture talking points that teens and young adults are in the know with! The hosts of the channel are self-described ‘best friends talking video games and all things nerd culture.

For those interested in all things gaming-related with a hefty dose of infused humor, the profile is quite interesting and definitely worth a follow.


5. Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki)

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Guy Kawasaki is the keynote speaker of Audi, Apple, Nike, and Microsoft, among others. He also doubles as the brand ambassador of Mercedes Benz and is a New York Times bestselling author. Accomplished should be Guy Kawasaki’s middle name.

Kawasaki’s Twitter profile has invaluable podcasts, business tweets, and professional marketing tips. His relentless work ethic and powerful ideas make him an appealing personality to follow on the platform.

6. The Washington Post (@WashingtonPost)

Twitter Accounts To Follow

For those seeking reliable sources, you should certainly incorporate the Washington Post into your news feed consumption. The newspaper company may be best known for its coverage of the Watergate scandal in the 1970s. Today, they are likely more relevant to the general public for breaking stories about Donald Trump’s Access Hollywood tape, and the sexual misconduct allegations against Roy Moore.


7. Mental Floss (@mental_floss)

Twitter Accounts To Follow

For those who seek to use Twitter as a platform for learning, we suggest checking out Mental Floss. They share everyday life hacks, like the secret to perfect cookies, articles about holiday traditions like ugly sweaters, and sometimes even random information about pigeons. Now before you jump to conclusions, it should be noted that they do actually share a lot of informative and intriguing content on their feed. Does anyone really know what bologna is made of? We’re glad you asked.


8. God, @TheTweetOfGod

Twitter Accounts To Follow

As long as you don’t mind satire, tweets like “I’m damning things. Any requests?” and “To all the people praying to Me for world peace: you are ADORABLE” prove that social media really can be divine(ly) funny.


A video-based Content on Most Influencing Twitter Accounts To Follow in 2022

Source–  tenacts facts


End of the line:

In the above article, I have mentioned the 8 must-follow accounts on Twitter. These are the best accounts to follow if you are new to Twitter. If you liked the article then please comment about the article and also tell us how we can improve in future articles.


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