How to turn off automatic updates in windows 10

Are you looking for steps on how to turn off automatic updates in Windows 10? Then you have landed up on the right page friends. I know you all must be fed up with this annoying thing- Automatic updates in Windows 10. But need not worry, if there is a problem, there is a solution to it. And I am here to provide you with the best solution.
One of the least liked features of Windows 10 computers is their tendency to automatically installing an update every time you try to shut down your computer or laptop. And with this automatic update, data is highly used.
Windows 10 does not have any option to enable or disable automatic updates run control panel like older versions of the computer had. If you’re using the internet on your Windows computer via a hotspot created by your smartphone then you may face high data usage which results in too high data charges. Disabling automatic update will help you you to save data if you are on a limited data plan.
If you go to the control panel we can see that there is no such option for Windows where you can enable or disable automatic update as per your choice like we are able to do in Windows 8.1 and older version of Windows.
Table of Contents
Several ways to turn off the automatic updates in Windows 10
So there are several ways for turning off the automatic updates in Windows 10. Some of the ways are:-
1) Disable Window update service.
2) Change the Way of Windows 10 Updates Using Registry.
3) Meter Your Network Connection
4) Change the Settings of the Group Policy Editor
I have discussed with you the most easiest one that is the Disable Window update service. It hardly takes 5- 10 minutes to follow the steps and get rid of this annoying feature of Windows 10. Scroll down the page to follow up the steps.
Best and the easiest way to Disable Window update service –
Steps on how to turn off updates in window 10 via disable Window update service-
1.) To disable Windows update press the start + R key on the keyboard and type their services. MSC and hit ok
2.) It will take you to the list of all windows services whether they are running or not.
3.) Now scroll down to the bottom and you will find the Windows update service.
4.) Click on it to highlight as you can see it is already running. Now right-click on it and go to properties.
5.) Under startup type, click on the dropdown menu and select disable. Hit apply and then ok.
6.) Now you have to restart your Windows 10 computer in order to take changes effect.
7.) After restarting let’s check it again. Go again to the services and scroll down to the bottom. We can now see that it is disabled. Now you can use an internet unlimited data plan.
8.) In the future, if you have to enable it again like if you have an unlimited data plan and want to get the latest update then all you have to do is just right-click on the Windows update.
9.) Go to the properties and from startup types select automatic hit apply and then ok.
10.) Click on the start under Windows update. Now you can see start is triggered right now.
11.) Now you have to restart your Windows computer again in order to take changes effect.
End of the line –
So friends these are the steps that will help you out to turn off the automatic updates in Windows 10. I have tried my best to explain to you in the easiest way. Do watch the video, it will make your work easier.
If you have not read the whole article, I would like to tell you that there are more ways to turn off the updates in Windows 10.
To know more about how to follow those ways click here.
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