How To Setup & Use Hydra Bot Discord With Bot Commands? [2023]

How To Setup & Use Hydra Bot Discord With Bot Commands? [2023]

Hydra Bot Discord is one of the most valuable bots that come up with various features and it allows users to add any song to the discord server’s music station. One of the best things about using this bot is that any user can add songs from YouTube, Spotify, or many more websites that are secure and authenticated. So, today in this ultimate guide we’re going to help you know How to use the Hydra bot in Discord and how to remove songs in Hydra.

It is very easy to add a Hydra bot to the Discord server to do so, Go to Discord-> Join Voice channel-> Give command .play { music name}. To get detailed information about Hydra bot Discord, do follow the whole instructions given below till the end and it will definitely help you to use this bot very easily.

How To Add Hydra Bot In Discord Server?

Hydra bot is the same as any other music player which offers play, pause, and queue or you can make playlists or shuffle any playlist inside a Discord server. So, before going to the next step, first, you should know how to add the Hydra bot to the discord server, to do so, follow the instructions given below.

Step 1:- Open the “Discord” server and find the general text channel.

Step 2:-  In the general text channel, type “.setup commands”.

How To Use Hydra Bot Discord With Bot Commands in 2022

Step 3:-  A new text channel will be formed with the subject “Hydra Song Requests.”

Hydra Bot Song Request Channel

How To Use  Hydra Bot Discord Server

It’s very easy to use the Hydra bot Discord Server and due to that you can easily add, and shuffle songs and can also create a playlist of songs.

Follow the instructions given below.

Step 1:- Become a member of a Voice Channel. By clicking on the channels that have a speaker symbol on them, you will end up joining a voice channel.

How To Use Hydra Bot Discord With Bot Commands

Step 2:- Become a member of the Voice Channel. The voice connected will appear at the bottom of the right sidebar.

Step 3:- You can play music on the Song Request Channel, and to do so, simply input the song’s name.

Step 4:- To build a queue, put the names of all the songs you wish to include in the queue, and it will be created automatically.

Step 5:- To control the queue, utilize the emotes below. The songs in the queue can be paused, resumed, skipped, looped, unlooped, shuffled, added to favorites, and canceled.

How To Remove A Song In Hydra Bot Discord

Remove Songs Hydra

To remove a song from the playlist or queued section you need to type in a command and after that select a song number and it would be removed immediately.

Follow the instructions given below to remove it easily.

Step 1:- Open “Discord” server

Step 2:-  Type “.queue” to see the number list of songs that have been queued.

Step 3:- Then simply type ” .remove {song number}”.

Step 4:- Right after that, that song will be removed.

Also, see: How To Use Katheryne Bot Discord With Bot Commands

50+ Best Hydra Bot Discord Command-List

So, there are three categories of bot commands listed below and all of them are taken from

or you can find these commands on the official Hydra command website.

Some Hydra Bot DJ Commands Are listed below:-

.clearClears the current queue.
.leaveDisconnects the bot from its current voice channel.
.loopCycles through all three loop modes (queue, song, off).
.loop queueLoop the queue.
.loop songLoop the current playing song.
.loop offTurn looping off
.move <song number>Move the selected song to the top of the queue.
.move <from> <to>Move the selected song to the provided position.
.move swap <from> <to>Swap track positions in the queue.
.move lastMove the last track in the queue to the top.
.pausePauses the current playing song.
.remove <song number>Remove a specific song from the queue.
.remove cleanupRemoves songs from users who left the voice channel.
.remove doublesRemove duplicate songs from the queue.
.remove range <from> <to>Remove a range of tracks from the queue.
.replayReplay the current song.
.resumeResumes the current paused song.
.seek mm:ssSeeks to a specific position in the current song.
.shuffleShuffle the queue.
.shuffle fairShuffles the queue fairly between users with songs in the queue.
.skipLet’s skip the current song.
.skip <trackNumber>Skips to a specific track in the queue.
.stopStop the player and clear the queue.

Some Hydra Bot Admin Commands Are Listed below:- 

Commands Description
.announceToggle sending of now playing messages on/off
.announce deleteToggle deletion of now playing messages on/off
.ban <user>Let’s ban users from controlling the bot.
.cleanupClear command and bot messages.
.fixTries to fix the server region.
.languageShow the currently configured language.
.language listList all available languages.
.language set <language key>Set the language on your server.
.limitShow current set limits.
.limit song <song amount>Set a song limit per user for non DJs.
.limit time mm:sSet a time limit per song for non DJs.
.limit song resetReset the song limit per user for non DJs.
.limit time resetReset the time limit per song for non DJs.
.limit resetReset all limits.
.playlistsEnables/disables the possibility of queueing playlists.
.prefixShow the current prefix.
.prefix <new prefix>Lets you set a new prefix.
.requesterEnables/disables if the requester is shown on each track.
.setdjShow the current DJ roles.
.setdj <role>Add/Remove a DJ role.
.setdj resetReset the DJ roles.
.setupSet up the unique song request channel.
.setup embedSet up the unique song request channel with the banner embedded.
.setvcList all restricted voice channels.
.setvc <voice channel>Restrict the bot to only join specific voice channels.
.setvc currentAdd your current voice channel to the restricted voice channels.
.setvc resetReset the configured restricted voice channels.
.unban <user>Let you unban users from controlling the bot.

How To Play And Stop Loop Of Spotify Playlist On A Discord Server?

Yes, you can add any song from the Spotify playlist to a discord server and do so, follow the instructions given below:-

Step 1:- Open the Discord server and type in the “.play” command in the text box area.

Step 2:-  Type “.play” and song link {playlist link or song link from Spotify}.

Step 3:- After some time you can stop that particular song from the playlist or stop the loop.

Step 4:- To stop the loop, type “.loop off” and it will be stopped.

What If The Hydra Command Bot Is Not Working On The Discord Server?

So, if you’re done adding the hydra bot command on the Discord server and still aren’t able to use it, it may be due to an outdated version of Discord, so you need to update it first Secondly, ensure that you’ve given the Hydra bot necessary access, which you can do in the settings tab.

Commands Used by Everyone On The Discord Server

Everyone commands:- help, lyrics, ping, play, playlist, premium status, queue, search, song info, vote skip.

Wrapping Up!

I hope the above information is more than sufficient to know How to use Hydra bot discord with commands, also you can easily remove any song on the Hydra bot by following the steps given above. So, if you really liked the article do share your thoughts in our comment section down below. Thank You!

Jasmine Kaur

Hi, I'm Jasmine Kaur, a 21 years old girl who is much passionate about exploring new things in diurnal life that can provide divergent knowledge. An escapist who specializes mainly in entertainment and tech (social tech) content and aims to offer you some quality content to clear all your doubts.

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