How To Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat Easily In 2023?

When conversations with friends become important, you would want to keep them in front of your eyes to never miss any message. This is made possible when you Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat. Pinning a conversation is like starring a mail to mark its importance but the only difference is that pinning keeps all the important conversations on top of the chat list. In this way, you will never miss a snap or a message from your favourite person as they will appear at the top of the list always.
Chatting with your friends is always fun especially when you can send instant photos while chatting. If you’re popular and chatting with different people on Snapchat then your chat box must be roaring all day long. If there are lots of people messaging you then it can lead to some important conversations getting lost. That’s why it’s important to keep those messages on top of the chat section always so that you never miss a snap or a message from those special people. The messages can be put on top when you Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat.
You can Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat easily by following short simple steps. All you have to do is open Snapchat>Go to the Chat section>Tap and hold the conversation you want to pin>Choose Chat Settings from the pop-up menu> and tap on Pin Conversation. Congratulations now your favourite conversation are on top of this list and will always remain there until you decide otherwise.
Table of Contents
What Does It Mean To Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat?
Let me tell you why is it important to Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat. Whether it’s Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp, there are people on these apps that you converse with all the time and enjoy every minute. But sometimes what happens is that their messages are pushed down automatically as new messages come in. By being pushed down they sometimes get lost in the Chat Section leading to you missing out on all the streaks, snaps and messages.
Not to mention scrolling down each time to find the chat buried among the pile of messages from other people is a tedious task. So, before you get any more stressed let me tell you a solution to this problem has been found. If you Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat then that conversation will never leave your sight. In simpler words, pinning a Snapchat message will put it on top of the messages section. No matter how many people message you their messages will always appears below the pinned message, even if you don’t message them for over a year.
How To Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat
To Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat isn’t a hard job, it was created to make your life easy and thus the process to do it is also easy.
Step 1: Open Snapchat.
Step 2: Go to the Chat.
Step 3: Tap and hold the conversation you want to pin.
Step 4: Select Chat Settings from the pop-up menu.
Step 5: Select “Pin Conversation”
After the procedure to Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat is complete, a small pin icon will appear next to the name of the person whose conversation you pinned. From then on, their chat will always appear on top of the screen. Also, if you want to unpin a conversation simply follow the same procedure, but now instead of “Pin Conversation” the option of “Unpin Conversation” will appear. Tap on that and the conversation will be removed from the top.
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How To Customize The Pin Icon on Snapchat
The universal symbol for a pinned conversation is none other than an actual pin, but since it’s Snapchat we can always do a remix. Snapchat allows its users to choose what they want the pin icon to be when they Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat and they can customize it with the help of an assortment of emojis and stickers. You can choose different icons for different conversations. You need to follow these simple steps to customize your pin icon into something you like.
Step 1: Tap on your Snapchat Profile.
Step 2: Press the Gear icon to open the Settings page.
Step 3: Go to Additional Services and select Manage.
Step 4: Choose the Friend Emojis option.
Step 5: Tap on Pinned Conversation at the bottom
Step 6: Select whichever you want for your conversation from the given extensive list.
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It’s always an honour to be someone’s favourite and showing it in any form always makes them happy. Snapchat understood the assignment and came up with an idea to Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat. This feature enables your favourites to be where they belong in your life, at the top of the list. So if you see someone pinning your conversation on Snapchat, understand that you mean the world to them.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat On Android?
The Snapchat feature to Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat was launched in 2019 but only for iOS. This service is still not available for Android users.
Can the person you pinned on Snapchat get notified?
No, whenever you pin someone on Snapchat they don’t get notified about this.
What does it mean to pin someone as your #1 BFF on Snapchat?
Pinning a friend as your #1 BFF on Snapchat serves two purposes. First, it allows you to Pin Someone’s Conversation On Snapchat to the top of the chat list. Second, you give them the tag of their BFF on Snapchat.