How to Mute Someone On Snapchat Without Them Knowing (2022)

Do you want to know How to mute someone on Snapchat? Those endless pop-up notifications always annoy you or you want to avoid certain people on Snapchat. Here In this article, we will be discussing how you can Mute people on Snapchat, to get rid of them.
Getting non-stop notifications on our “lone time”makes us hell irritated. There is hardly anyone who does not have this problem. We all have times when we need to spend time with ourselves, and We, don’t like it at all if someone bothers us at that time. In such a situation you have the mute feature on Snapchat which will help you to mute someone on Snapchat or if you want a kind of break from Snapchat then you can also switch to Ghost mode which will make you invisible from Snapchat and nobody will be able to find you unless you will switch it off.
Snapchat is a very popular and innovative app that we all love to use, but some people send tons of photos fast in a day and it annoys us. Wonder if you are in your meeting or with your family and messages are constantly showing on your screen, this interruption is something we never like. It can be distracting. It is better to mute such people on Snapchat. We just need to Go to the Chat section>then select the contact we want to mute>go to Chat settings>mute them.
Table of Contents
How To mute Someone on Snapchat?
let’s say, you are working or studying, and do not want yourself to be distracted by anything or anyone, and suddenly you get a Snap from your best friend. What will you do? You will pick up your phone immediately and will start chatting with your best friend. After an hour of fun and laughter, you will remember oops!!!!! wasn’t I studying? and now What am I doing? Chatting with friends? Damn! This would be so disappointing! Instead of this, what if you had muted your friends on Snapchat earlier? You could have avoided this Situation.
This is what happens most of the time, on one side we do not even want to get distracted and at the same time we do not want to ignore our friends, all this happens because of that one pop-up sound. Let’s learn How can you avoid such situations.
Follow The Steps To mute Someone on Snapchat
Step 1. First Open your Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android.
Step 2. Go to chats, where all your Contact to whom you chat are listed.
Step 3. Tap and hold onto the contact, you want to mute, On the pop-up Click on <Chat Settings>.
Step 4. Once you click on Chat settings You will find <message notification> on, Tap on the option it will turn white from green in colour.
Once you’re done with the Steps you will not get any Conversation Notification from that person Until you will Unmute them again.
What will happen if you Mute someone On Snapchat?
If you mute Someone on Snapchat, you will no longer get any notifications or will not get to know if that person has sent you any kind of snap/message until and unless you will open the Chat section. And your notification bar will not show any kind of notification related to that particular person.
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How Can I Unmute Someone on Snapchat?
We can easily Unmute Someone on Snapchat, Sometimes unknowingly we mute certain people on Snapchat which we never intend to do so, and then wonder why are we not getting notifications related to that person, or how it will be fixed. There is nothing to worry about, you can easily unmute someone on Snapchat by following Some very easy steps one after one.
Follow Steps to Unmute Someone on Snapchat
Step 1. Firstly, Open the Snapchat app on your Device and go to the chatting section
Step 2. Tap and hold on to the Contact, you muted earlier.
Step 3. On the pop-up, tap on the <Chat settings> Option
Step 4. Once you have clicked on <Chat settings> you will find out the <message notifications> are off, tap on the Option to unmute that Contact.
After Following all these Steps, you will Successfully unmute that person, you muted earlier.
What happens when you Unmute someone on Snapchat?
When you Unmute someone on Snapchat you will again start getting message notifications from them, Once you unmute somebody, You will get information if that person sends any message to you even when you are not using the Snapchat app, the notification will pop up on Notification Bar of your device.
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1. Will I be able to unmute Someone on Snapchat again?
Yes, you can easily unmute someone on Snapchat after muting them, above are mentioned easy steps to unmute someone on Snapchat, Follow them respectively to get the results.
2. Will the muted person get to know if we mute them on Snapchat
No, Snapchat does not send such information to users, the muted person will never get to know if you have blocked them and there is not any other way to know if you have muted them or not.
3. How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat?
To Unblock Someone on Snapchat, Go to Setting>Visit Account Action Section>Tap on blocked>tap on Contact>tap on Yes. After Unblocking them, you will be able to see their profile However, to contact them you will need to add them as Friends again.
Wrap up!
This article Contains Information about How to mute Someone on Snapchat and What happens when you do so. We have tried to keep the information as simple as possible. You will quickly get to know how you can mute Someone On Snapchat. and How to Unmute them Again. Very Simple Steps are mentioned in this article and if you follow them Exactly you will be able to get the result.
Generally, this feature of Snapchat is used to Avoid distractions we face during work/Study time. I hope the above-mentioned information has helped in muting message notifications on Snapchat, And if you like this article Please let us know in the comment section below. Thanks for reading!