How To Know If Someone Unfollowed You On Facebook? | 2 Hacks You Must Know!
What if someone has unfollowed you on Facebook and you don’t have any idea about it? And this might be your reason to get curious about how to know if someone unfollowed you on Facebook. Facebook has always been a great social app where you can stay connected with your friends and with the help of the Messenger app you can chat with them. Nowadays, people like to show their current mood status on social media. If you are sad then, dp gets removed, if you are irritated then block and if you are angry then poke.
And similarly, if you have a fight with someone and you want to unfollow them on Facebook, but don’t know how. There is nothing to worry about because we are here to answer all your questions. So, today in this article, we are going to talk about how to know if someone unfollowed you on Facebook. Also, we will discuss what is the difference between unfollowing and unfriending someone on Facebook. So, without frittering away time, let’s get started!
In case you are wondering how to know if someone unfollowed you on facebook, then there are two ways- one is by searching manually and another is by adding an extension. To know how these ways will work keep on reading this article till the end.
Table of Contents
How To Know If Someone Unfollowed You On Facebook?
What if you and your friend had a fight, and now, you suspect that they might have unfollowed you on Facebook? But here the question arises how to know if someone unfollowed you on Facebook?
Well, there are two methods that will help you to check whether someone has unfollowed you or not. The former involves searching manually and the latter involves adding an extension that I can’t find. Let us see one by one, how all these methods can work.
Way 1: By Manual Search
To check if someone has unfollowed on Facebook by searching manually follow the steps given below and you will be able to do so.
Open Facebook>go to your profile>tap on friends>go to friend list>tap menu>tap following here you have the list of person who has unfollowed you on Facebook.
Step 1: Open the Facebook app and go to your profile.
Step 2: Now, tap on friends.
Step 3: Then, you will see your Facebook friend list, go to the menu and tap following.
Step 4: Now, search for the name of the person, if it doesn’t appear in your following list then they probably would have blocked you.
You can also use this method to search manually. A digital marketing specialist Michael Vaughan said, “To check out your current followers go to the “more” tab located on your profile page and click on ‘followers’. If someone who’s still on your ‘friends list is missing, it means they’ve unfollowed you.”
Way 2: By Adding Extension
If you have added so many friends on Facebook then, it becomes difficult to guess who has unfollowed you. In this case, adding an extension will help you to know who has unfollowed you on Facebook. You can add an extension like who deleted me on your google chrome or firefox browser. Simply, go and search who deleted me then, tap on the first option you see, and tap on add to chrome & you are good to go.
Note: Using a third-party app such as extension is not safe as it will give access of all you account data to a third-party app and facebok don’t suggest you to use such apps and softwares.
How To Unfollow Someone On Facebook App?
Now, you have all the information about how to know if someone unfollows you on the Facebook app. What to do if you also want to unfollow someone on Facebook? To do this just follow the step-by-step guide given below.
Go to Facebook>log in>search for a friend’s name>tap ‘‘ or friends option>tap unfollow and so you are done unfollowing them from your Facebook.
Step 1: Go to the Facebook app and log in to your Facebook account.
Step 2: Then, search for the name of your friend.
Step 3: Now, tap on the ‘‘ icon or tap on the friend’s option.
Step 4: Then, tap unfollow you don’t have to reconfirm that you want to unfollow this person and you are done.
Also, See:
What Is The Difference Between Unfollow And Unfriend?
This question must have come to your mind, what is the difference between unfriend, unfollow, and block? You must have heard the word unfriended once in your lifetime. When you unfriend someone from your Facebook friend list that means, they will not be able to like your posts, and even they can’t see them.
If you have unfriended someone from Facebook it means, the other person won’t be able to send you a message, depending on your settings. The other way, to get rid of someone is by unfollowing them, this way their posts & videos won’t appear on your feed and this is a more subtle way.
They’ll still be on your friends list but you won’t see them on your feed. When you accept someone’s friend request on Facebook, you can follow each other by default and when you unfriend someone on Facebook, they automatically get unfollowed.
How To Unfriend Someone On Facebook?
Now, you have complete information about how to know if someone unfollows you on Facebook as well as how you can unfollow someone on Facebook. Now, the question must be coming to your mind how to unfriend someone on Facebook. Don’t worry, just follow the step-by-step guide mentioned below.
Open Facebook>log in to your account>search for your friend’s name>tap ‘‘ or friend’s option>tap unfreind>tap confirm and you are done.
Step 1: Open the Facebook app and log in to your account.
Step 2: Now, search for your friend’s name in the search bar.
Step 3: Then, tap on the ‘‘ icon or tap on the friend’s option.
Step 4: Then, tap unfriend and tap confirm. Now they are out of your friend list.
So this is all about how to know if someone has unfollowed you on Facebook.
Also, See:
Wrapping Up!
So, we have covered how to know if someone has unfollowed you on Facebook. I sincerely hope that the above-mentioned information is helpful to you. Now you can use it to check who has unfollowed you or how you can unfollow or unfriend someone. Keep coming back to americbuzz for more such kinds of articles. Thank you for reading this article till the end!
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q1. How you can deactivate your messenger account?
Ans. In case you want to deactivate your messenger account, you need to open Facebook>tap on three horizontal lines>scroll down>tap on settings and privacy>choose settings>tap personal and account information>tap on account ownership and control>tap deactivation and deletion>choose to deactivate account>tap account deactivation>enter password>tap confirm and you are done.
Q2. How you can use bitmoji on Facebook stories?
Ans. If you want to use bitmoji on Facebook stories, you have to open the bitmoji app>choose a bitmoji>tap on emoji>tap Facebook>choose Facebook story>tap share to the story and you are done.