5 Quick Ways on How to Delete Comments on Instagram Instantly

Instagram is the leading brand name in the social media world. It has gained so much popularity in the modern world due to its fast, light, and great user-friendly features. In the modern world, there is barely someone who isn’t on Instagram or hasn’t heard about it or doesn’t know its existence. This social media giant has gained a very large userbase in a shorter period than any other social media giant.
Instagram is very engaging and it lets you post photos, comment on posts, or post videos. If you make a mistake in your comment and you don’t know how to delete the comment then, in this comment I have compiled one of the easiest ways to delete the comment and additionally given the info on how to disable and hide the comment.
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“Here are the ways on How we can Delete Comments on Instagram”
Instagram lets the users delete their comments and take more control of their activities on it. Instagram lets you delete your comment as well as comment on your posts. If you are looking for ways to delete the comment on Instagram then below I have shared the easy steps to do it.
Ways to delete own comment on Instagram:
For iPhone
- Open Instagram.
- Navigate to the post where you left the comment.
- Swipe left on the comment.
- Press the red trash can button to delete.
Note: Once you press the red trash can button the comment will be deleted and you are good to go.
For Android
- Open Instagram
- Navigate to the post where you left the comment.
- Tap the comment, then an option will appear in the top right corner.
- Press the trash can button to delete the comment.
“Ways to Delete Comments on Your Post on Instagram”
Outside of your comments, there’s only one other type of comment over which you have full control: comments left on your posts.
Below are the simple instructions for deleting a comment on your Instagram post:
For iPhone:
- Open Instagram.
- Navigate to the comment you want to erase.
- Swipe left on the comment.
- Press the red trash can button.
Note: Once you press the button comment will be deleted.
For Android:
- Open Instagram
- Navigate to the comment you want to erase.
- Click or tap on the comment, then a trash can icon will appear on the top right corner.
- Press the trash can icon button, the comment will be deleted.
Here you go with ways on how you can delete your comment or delete the comment on your Instagram post. Well if you delete someone’s comment on your post the person won’t get notified. Once you delete the comment it cannot be reverted, it will be permanently deleted.
“Ways to Hide comment on Instagram”
The first thing you can do is set up your automatic filter. Turning this feature on will allow Instagram to hide any comments it deems inappropriate or offensive.
Here’s how to turn that feature on:
- Open Instagram.
- Press the person icon at the bottom-right corner of the page to navigate to your profile.
- Press the three horizontal lines at the top-right corner of the page.
- Navigate to Settings > Privacy > Comments.
- Press the Hide Offensive Comments toggle.
On that same page within your settings, you also have the option to hide any comments that contain specific words of your choosing. After navigating back to the Comment Controls section:
- Press the Manual Filter toggle.
- Type the words you want to filter, separating each new word with a comma.
And finally, the last thing you can do is restrict a specific user on Instagram from commenting on your photos.
When you restrict someone on Instagram, they’ll still be able to comment on your posts — but their comment will only be visible to them. You can see the comment by selecting “See Comment,” and you can make it visible to your followers by selecting “Approve.” You can also choose to delete or simply ignore it.
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“Last Way on How to Delete Comments on Instagram”
If you decide that you would rather not worry about comments at all on your post, you can simply disable them. Turning off Instagram comments essentially prevents anyone from commenting on a specific post.
Here’s how to turn comments off on a post:
- Open Instagram.
- Press the person icon at the bottom-right corner of the page to navigate to your profile.
- Locate the post for which you want to disable comments.
- Press the three horizontal dots on the top-right corner of the screen.
- Select Turn Off Commenting.
When you turn off comments from a post, any comments that have already been left will be hidden. If you turn comments back on, those previous comments will be restored, and people will once again be able to comment on your post.
End of the line:
In the above article, I have mentioned some best and reliable ways to delete, hide and disable comments on Instagram. If these steps and ways help you to then, please comment and let us know about your thoughts in comments and also suggest us on how we can improve in future articles.