How To Find Out Exact Time Snapchat Story Was Posted 2023? | 5 Easy Ways

When you post a story on Snapchat there is a small time stamp that appears on top showing the time when it was uploaded. I mean the exact time snapchat story was posted is never actually known, you won’t see the actual minutes and seconds of when it was posted but a round-off of the time duration it was uploaded.
Snapchat practically invented and introduced the Story feature to the world of social media. It was the first ever platform to not only introduce this feature but many other features like disappearing messages, filters, and lenses, and took photography to another level. So if you have any queries about the Story on how to upload one, delete one, or know the exact time snapchat story was posted, then this mother app is the best source.
As I said before there is no particular way to find out the exact time snapchat story was posted but there is always a way around things. We can’t know the exact time but what we can know is the time duration. If you want to the time duration then there are various ways to know that like, asking them when they posted the story, checking the story within 1 hour of uploading, waiting until the 24 hours are up, and checking the time on the screenshot.
Table of Contents
Here’s How To Know The Exact Time Snapchat Story Was Posted In 2022
Want to know the exact time Snapchat story was posted? There is no direct way of knowing when a person uploaded a story but what Snapchat does is it shows you the time duration in hours. Based on that you can deduce yourself when the story was uploaded, but only if you are good at mental math.
If not then knowing the exact time Snapchat story was posted will be a difficult task. But luckily the math involved here is not that tough, you can easily calculate the time by simply following any one of these following methods.
1. Ask Your Friend Directly
This is the best and easiest way to know the exact time snapchat story was posted. It involves no calculation and no riddle-solving, it is plain and direct. All you have to do is first think if you can ask your friend when did they upload the story. If they are your close friend or at least close enough that you can directly ask them then go for it.
To know the exact time snapchat story was posted you simply have to reply to the same story and ask them or you can choose to message them separately through the Chat section. Ask and you shall receive, the answer. But if you think that it will be too creepy to ask or won’t seem appropriate then simply choose one of the following options.
2. Check The Story Within One Hour
You can know the exact time snapchat story was posted, when I say the exact time I mean the exact minutes of when the story was uploaded. You can know this by checking the story within one hour of your friend uploading it. What happens is that before the one-hour mark is complete, the app shows the minutes of when the story was uploaded.
In this way, you get to know the exact minutes of when the story was uploaded. You must have seen it yourself on Snapchat, in the top left corner below your friend’s name, a time stamp stating “15 mins ago” must have shown. These minute-based time stamps are shown till the one-hour mark is complete.
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3. Wait Until 24 Hours
Another way to know the exact time snapchat story was posted is to wait for it to almost end. I know it sounds confusing but please hear me out. You see for any story to expire it has to stay up for 24 hours and the minute it’s gone means the 24-hour cycle is complete. Now for this, you will look like a stalker because you have to keep on checking the app to know if the story was removed or not.
If you check the story only sometime after last checking the story and you see that it is gone then it means that it recently expired. Now simply calculate the current time and know that this time yesterday the story was uploaded. Congratulation, now you know the exact time snapchat story was posted.
4. Keep An Eye Out For The Hours
This one is very simple, to know the exact time snapchat story was posted just keep looking at the hours. As time passes, time stamps like 2h ago, 4h ago, and 15h ago will start showing. This will give you a rough idea of when the story was uploaded.
5. Check the Screenshot
This only works if they have posted a screenshot in their story. If a person uploads a screenshot they took from their device then it will show on the story as well. If they took a screenshot of something and uploaded it immediately then a message showing screenshot was taken 000 hours/minutes ago will show. That will tell you when the story was uploaded. Just pray they don’t crop that part of the photo before uploading.
Also Read: How to Add Private Story Link on Snapchat To Let Anyone Join
Wrapping Up!
You can’t check the exact time snapchat story was posted but what you can check is the time duration. The time duration will be like 1 hour ago and not 1 hour 35 minutes ago. This is why we need the above mention methods to know the exact time. Or you can keep checking the hours as they pass every time till they reach the end marks. Once it does you can calculate the time from then to 24 hours earlier and know when the story was uploaded. The choice is yours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. When does a Snapchat Story expire?
Ans 1. A Snapchat Story automatically expires or disappears after 24 hours of uploading. It can also be removed before the 24 hours end by deleting it. To delete a story you need to Open Snapchat>Tap on Profile>Open My Story>Tap on the three dots>Select Delete Snap>Confirm.
Q2. How to view your friend’s, Snapchat Story?
Ans 2. To see your friend’s Snapchat Story you need to tap the friend icon on the right side and then tap on the tile with your friend’s name on it.
Q3. How can we see multiple stories on Snapchat?
Ans 3. If your friend has uploaded multiple snaps to their story, you can see all of them by tapping the right side of your screen. You can also tap the left side to see the previous snap.
Also, See: How To Change Snapchat Cameo Selfie On Android & iOS?
Q4. How can we reply to a story?
Ans 4. You can reply to a story by tapping the bottom part of the screen. The reply section will get activated after a keyboard appear. Type your reply and press send.